Date(s) - 24/04/2020
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Online Class


“Our aim in education is to give a full life. We owe it to them to initiate an immense number of interests. Life should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all feeling or all thinking – the strain would be too great – but, all living; that is to say, we should be in touch wherever we go, whatever we hear, whatever we see, with some manner of vital interest.”

Understand more about who Charlotte Mason is and the importance of having a method in educating a child. This talk will focus on her belief in seeing a child as a person and how it manifests in the atmosphere, discipline, and life. A change in perspective may be able to help transform and enrich your homeschool lifestyle.

The class will discuss fundamental CM principles and practices with these objectives in mind:
I. To understand the need for a Method in educating children.
II. To understand the need for a Living Atmosphere of Learning.
III. To understand the value of Discipline as part of Education.

IV. To understand why Living ideas are essential in Education.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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