Nature Stories for Young Readers: Animal Life


Nature Stories for Young Readers: Animal Life by Florence Bass
The stories aim to give illustrations of some of the varied means of self-protection employed by animals, their methods of home-building and of caring for their young, the transformations they undergo, the adaptability to their surroundings as shown by their coverings, and the tools with which the various animals are provided.

The purpose in attempting to bring these thoughts to the youngest readers is manifold.  Ages 4-6

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Nature Stories for Young Readers: Animal Life by Florence Bass
The stories aim to give illustrations of some of the varied means of self-protection employed by animals, their methods of home-building and of caring for their young, the transformations they undergo, the adaptability to their surroundings as shown by their coverings, and the tools with which the various animals are provided.

The purpose in attempting to bring these thoughts to the youngest readers is manifold.  Ages 4-6