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We have not formally started our school year but have been preoccupied the past weeks with all sorts.

I’m still waiting for our books to arrive, still giving myself time to plan for next school year, and also giving ourselves time to clean up our “mess” from the previous year. We’ve spent the last week purging things from clothes to books to school materials. We gave away books, toys, and everything else that added to the clutter. We have so much paper. So much pencils. Everything unnecessary had to go away.

With the growing number of books we have, we realized we needed a system to find the books we need and not spend time looking everywhere in the house. The kids helped rearrange the books and they decided that it was best to organize by subject than by year. And that small change did wonders. We now know exactly where Trial and Triumph is, where all the science related books are and where all the Free Reads are. Absolutely satisfying 🙂 

Meanwhile, a third cycle of learning at Living Learning Children just started last monday and I will hold another talk about Charlotte Mason’s 3 Educational Tools tomorrow. Still a busy bee, I guess.

In between all the cleaning, planning, and writing – these are what the kids have been doing:


I will be adding new things this year. Latin, formal grammar, Plutarch, History of Architecture, Applied Geometry, more Natural History books, Dictation, written narrations, more intensive art lessons, and more on Philippine Studies. 
I will share some of what I have planned for year 4, year 2, and kinder once all are clear and laid out in my head, and on paper 🙂
Hope to start in 2 weeks! 

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