and this is how we do it…
There are no worksheets. It is mostly oral math using a lot of manipulatives/counters. We only do this 2-3 times a week and I keep the lessons short. My priority is his habit of attention and love for learning. So I take it away when it starts frustrating him (just like the other “lessons” we do) and just bring it out the next day. It works like a charm! He literally begs me to do math or homeschool in general.
I am looking into Singapore Math in the future but for now I am very pleased with the pace and method of MEP.
I am also educating myself in using a “Living Math” approach to learning and came across old (very old) arithmetic resources that I might use as a supplement late-next year. These are basically guidebooks for oral math. I love the idea of conversing “in math” in the primary years. Here are the resources that I’m looking at:
First Lessons in Numbers by Henry Maglathlin and Benjamin Greenleaf
Ray’s Arithmetic (Primary Lessons for Young Learners) book 1
** We do short lessons now and then but I prioritize time spent outdoors over math and other “lessons”:
“…The chief function of a child – his business in the world during the first six or seven years of his life – is to find out all he can, about whatever comes under his notice, by means of his five senses; that he has an insatiable appetite for knowledge got in this way; and that therefore, the endeavor of his parents should be to put him in the way of making acquaintance freely with nature and natural objects… ”
Second in priority is habit formation (This is the hardest!). Such habits such as obedience, attention, imagining, cleanliness etc.