## DIY Lego Key Holder
My son loves Lego. This project will thrill him! and so will my husband ๐Ÿ™‚

## The Spring Handicraft Fair
I’m not into paper-glue-glitter craft activities. Never was. But I love handicrafts and art, and that is another reason why I love the CM method ๐Ÿ™‚ Would love to be part of a CM community like this. I’m currently figuring out what we, as a family, could make this summer. Thinking of having the little fingers practice paper weaving like this and eventually make something like these!

## Boyhood at Risk (Part One)

“My boyhood was mentored and nurtured into manhood. My exuberance, energy, and daring were not squashed; they were blended with responsibility, self-control, and chivalry… I recognize now that I was granted what so few are allowed to have: boyhood.”

Read the full post here.

## What I’m Never Going to Tell You It is a privilege to homeschool but we all need to remind ourselves that it is not a formula. I was raised and grew up in an environment that wasn’t so ideal. But here I am, a new creation, all by His Grace.  So here is a good post for us moms, homeschooling or not, to remind us that HE works on their heart, we merely shepherd. Again, it is not a formula.

“We need to encourage one another to walk this walk of faith, but we need to be very careful that we don’t rally around a certain prideful arrogance. Sometimes, in our zeal to hold each other accountable to a Christian life of virtue, we step dangerously close to pridefully suggesting that if we just do prescribed things all the right way, we will turn out brilliant, holy children. And we forget that it is not mothers or fathers who make Christians of children; it is God Himself, in His own time, according to His own plan.
“I am never going to tell you that if you mother your children with all your heart, embrace your vocation and dedicate home and family to God, instill in your children strong values and carefully protect the seeds of faith that the following things won’t ever happen. Because they might.”

Read the full post here. 


Our summer schedule is packed!
We are going camping three times this summer!!! As you can see, my kids are getting ready ๐Ÿ™‚

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