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I always look forward to planning, scheduling, and finding the right notebook/planner every year 🙂  With so much to do, I felt the need to reinvent how I track my to-dos this year.

Some of my (Note)book club friends are bullet journal experts but I never seemed to understand the concept. The eureka moment came when I finally understood that it was supposed to be a tracker; showing in a glance where I am consistent and where I am negligent. It made absolute sense!


As I was searching the world wide web for some ideas, I found circular trackers I fell in love with. I’ve adapted it and made my own. I photocopy the blank master copy on cream paper, cut, and paste on my Moleskine 2019 Planner. Been using it since January, and it has helped manage my life! hehe.

Below is a blank one. Drag the picture to your desktop. Print on 8×11 paper. If you need a smaller one, try adjusting size of the picture in Pages, Word, or Photoshop.


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