I decided to start a Book Club for children focusing on the Classics, using Charlotte Mason’s methods. So, I launched Ex Libris Book Circle two weeks ago. I chose Alice in Wonderland for our first book and plan on using books from the Free Read List from our CM guide, Ambleside Online. The first two meetings were a success! This particular batch will run for 8-10 weeks. I loved seeing the excitement as they took turns narrating back, in detail, the first 4 chapters. I was not sure how I would pull off a book club using Charlotte Mason principles, but I guess it helped that I’ve been reading and discussing children’s classics for a period now with my own children. Surprisingly, there was a natural flow to it. If things go well, I might do it year-round, alternating between 2 age groups. Let’s see how it goes. 

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“For the children? They must grow up upon the best… There is never a time when they are unequal to worthy thoughts, well put; inspiring tales, well told.” – Charlotte Mason

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I also invited families to join us for our weekly Nature Study right after the book discussion. I figured I would just lead the group the way I would lead my own children. It worked, and it was so much fun! The kids had a blast being outdoors. They climbed on trees, explored, journaled what they discovered, and presented their sketches to the group. 

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As the kids were running around, the moms were chatting and we figured that this is a perfect co-op! And so, in effect, I also launched a new support group for homeschooling families 🙂  With the help of the other moms, I plan to add more “living” activities through the weeks
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It’s been a long time since our family did this with a bigger group. The last one was way back when we were still living in US, and we miss it badly. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share these moments of discoveries again 🙂
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