You are currently viewing Like Skills: Krokan Ice Cream


We try and do something fun at the end of the day. I usually plan things but lately the kids have been planning on their own, asking me to buy all sorts for their “projects”. I planned on cooking through Joy of Cooking with the kids for Life Skills. Of course, that never happened. Their idea of using Revolting Recipes is easier and much more fun.

This is the 10 year old’s choice, and so he took charge of making sure all kids had their turn in crushing, scooping, dumping.

Krokan Ice Cream.  

Simply delicious. Easy. Do-able. 

Total Prep time by 4 kids who took turns doing most of the steps: 35 minutes


Aluminum Foil

Baking sheet (not necessary)

skillet / pan (or any pot)

rolling pin 


2 Tablespoon butter

3 ounces almonds, skinned and coarsely chopped (we used 2 handfuls of almond with skin on, coarsely chopped by little hands)

2/3 cup sugar (brown sugar)

1 quart good quality vanilla ice cream (Magnolia Vanilla Ice Cream 1.5 L)

Lightly grease a piece of aluminum foil. We used butter. Set aside.

Make the Krokan.

Mix butter, chopped almonds, and sugar in  pan.

Place over moderate heat and cook, stirring constantly, and making sure that the krokan mixture does not burn.

(The kids did all the mixing, some chopping, and all the “cooking”)

When it’s a good golden color, pour the mixture onto the greased aluminum foil. Allow to cool completely.

When cooled, place in a plastic bag (ziplock) and lightly crush it into small pieces using a rolling pin. (I honestly did not see the reason for this step because the mixture was already crushed in small pieces. But dear son did it anyway, and had fun)

Let the ice cream soften at room temperature and stir in the crushed Krokan until thoroughly mixed.

Place ice cream back in freezer until frozen again.


Happy weekend!

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