Here is a schedule of our Year 0 :

Simply Learning Schedule 2012

This is just a guide that I made to give structure to our day.  Take note that I prioritize Habit Training, Outdoor time or Nature Study over lessons at this stage.   Math, reading and copywork are usually done in less than an hour since we follow Charlotte Masons advice to keep lessons short primarily to build attention/focus (more about short lessons on another post).

Our schedule these days have been crazy since I have a 2 month old baby. But we are slowly getting back to our usual routine.   

Night before, I try to pre-plan our meals including snacks. I set my coffee maker to start brewing at 5:55am. I try to sleep before 10pm.

I wake up at 6 the morning after. Get my freshly brewed coffee and spend quiet time while all are still asleep. I spend the first hour for reading the Word, prayer, journaling or just gathering my thoughts.  This is essential. Otherwise, I will go crazy 🙂

Once the kids wake up – I’m off to the battlefield kitchen to whip up something to eat 🙂

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