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Starting year 5 with Napoleon.

I’ve always heard about Napoleon, but knew too little of him to understand his impact in history. As I pre-read the first chapter of our year 5’s world history, the story of France continues where we left off in Year 4. I understood further how years of corruption led to the French Revolution which in turn made an impact to other systems of power in the world.

It reminded me of our own Philippine history where Filipinos revolted and fought with bolos for freedom from Spanish conquerors and another revolution where Filipinos united and fought through prayer against a dictator (with a wife that eerily resembles Marie Antoinette’s ways).

I read about the cry for justice, and see and hear the same cry today.

Talk about Science of Relations.

I think part of the reason why Charlotte Mason works is because an Idea-packed feast not only nourishes the student but the Parent-Educator as well. Teachers are not meant to “teach” in a CM education, but present. And because of this, we learn along with our students instead of being the source of knowledge. That simply changes everything. The excitement from learning is seen in our eyes and heard in our voices, and that is an atmosphere that does wonders in a child’s learning environment.

I am particularly excited this year because I will be learning along with my year 5 son, year 3 daughter, and year 1 son. It will be a challenge now  that I have 3 school aged children, all with their own full feast of ideas. I will be needing more discipline and more focus as I lead my children. That means needing more courage to say ‘no’ to outside commitments. I also have some goals in terms of being the Parent-Educator and “student” this year. I’m not sure if I will be able to reach it, but it is worth a try.

> I aim to narrate (orally or written) our daily Bible lessons as my quiet time.
> I aim to pre-read 2-3 weeks ahead.
> I aim to narrate back CM’s ideas and principles through my CM book club with husband. (Yes, he is trying to read the volumes along with me 🙂 )
> I aim to read and make written narrations on living books under Literature, Natural History, and World History.
> I aim to work more consistently on my own History Timeline.
> I aim to prioritize #NanayCulture via watercoloring.
> I aim to set weekly Family Meetings to hear feedback from my children (Their concerns, difficulties, requests, etc)
> I aim to cook more, and exercise.
> I aim to listen more, and talk less.

(How to make it happen? Kids sleep early, I don’t watch TV, and I’ll *try* to keep phone away as much as possible.)

What are your CM homeschool/life goals? 🙂

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