I NEVER thought I would be a stay at home Nanay.

So the plan was that I would be a career woman and get married around 35. I wanted to have a busy life of meetings, late hours at work, partying like crazy and going home to a nice plush condo unit (just like in the movies). I even wanted to have a Harley to drive around Makati (a Harley was definitely in my wish list). I pictured my early twenties to thirties with no partner, no attachments, no real relationships. Just me.

I realized that I might get married a little sooner than planned but again being a stay at home mom was never part of it. The closest to being one would mean driving my 3 kids to school every morning with a yaya/nanny by my side to help with the kids. That’s it. No cooking. No diaper changes. No waking up at 6am to cook breakfast. No washing of dishes or clothes and definitely no scrubbing of toilets and tubs.

But of course – God works in mysterious ways. I married when I was 24 and got pregnant at 26. So here I am in my nearly 30’s running around with a toddler and a baby in my tummy (and wanting 2 more), managing a house, planning weekly meals, attending mommy groups/playdates, and yes – scrubbing the toilet and tub (which i actually enjoy!).
It took a year or so for me to adjust and embrace my “job”. It can be lonely, frustrating and difficult. There was even a point where I constantly wished that I was OUT instead of being home. It just made me more miserable. But through prayer and the realization that I am placed in this situation for a reason I slowly started loving it. Once I embraced and saw it as my calling – I felt joy and felt at peace.

Not everyone can be a stay at home mom just as not everyone can be a full fledged career woman. But I guess the key is knowing that God placed us wherever we are for a reason. When we surrender and try not to struggle we slowly see the beauty of what we are doing.
Wherever you are now in your life – hope you are happy, content and at peace. If not – do know that you are not alone. We all go through it in phases. You will get there. Hope you find the key.

Happy at home.

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